ABOUT SAULE wellness

Saule (pronounced “soul”) is the French word for the willow tree. The willow tree is known for its sweeping branches and beautiful shades of green and gold. Unlike other trees, the willow is incredibly flexible and bends when the weather becomes overwhelming but it does not break. Similar to the willow, we all experience difficult, sometimes overwhelming circumstances that may push us to our limits. We may experience negative emotions and become frustrated with behaviours that interfere with our ability to find our way to a balanced and healthy life. And, like the willow, our resiliency protects us from breaking in the worst of the storm.

Saule Wellness is a mental health services organization focused on helping individuals, groups and organizations build their resiliency so they can move towards achieving their potential.

Saule Wellness is a safe space to discover your resiliency, to find your path in the storm and help you to feel better so that you can live the life that you want.

Whether you have experienced traumatic events, are struggling with relationships, difficulties at school or work, managing life’s transitions, handling addictions or any other challenging circumstances, we will work together to find the right pathway for you to get to where you want to be.


Licensed counselling therapist candidate LCT-C, CCC

Ten years ago, I reached out to find mental health support for my adopted daughter who was beginning to struggle with the abandonment and attachment challenges related to her early years. Unable to find her the support that she needed, I began researching how I could help her process such challenging emotions and begin to confront and heal from the trauma she experienced in her young life. Our journey together was terrifying but we found a way to trust each other and, in the end, we both learned so much about ourselves and the incredible resiliency of the human spirit. I was inspired by the fact that even the most significant suffering could be lessened with a compassionate and cooperative approach. The seed was planted.

I did not understand at the time that I would be taking the first step towards a significant midlife career change. In the following years, I kept being drawn to the idea that our mental health really is at the heart of everything. 

Taking my Master’s in Counselling allowed me to deepen the knowledge I had acquired helping my daughter and ignited the passion I needed to make the switch to a full-time career as a mental health practitioner.  Although a recently licensed counselling therapist, I have had a career that spans the last 30 years helping people achieve their potential, strengthening communities and helping find innovative solutions to making lasting change to complex, systemic problems. I am excited about using my combined skills to help my clients. I look forward to focusing on their resiliency, building from their strengths so that they may achieve a balanced and healthy life.

I work with individuals, groups, and communities.


Anxiety and Depression


Adoption/Blended families

Overwhelm and burnout

Relationship Challenges

Family Therapy/Parenting Challenges


Self-esteem/Achieving potential

I use a combination of therapeutic approaches depending on the client’s unique needs.